Our Owls

Meet Our Owls


We acquired Swoop when he was 9 days old. They are the largest specie of owls in the world, although Blakiston’s Fish Owl is slightly heavier but smaller, and the much lighter-weight great grey owl is slightly longer. Eurasian eagle-owls have striking red-orange eyes allowing them to see as well in daylight as in the dark.
Plan on catching one of our free ‘Owl Prowl’ programs at a library near you - visit our events page. Swoop is so majestic - he stops men in their tracks. Watch a PowerPoint on North American owls and hear their vocalizations. Then meet Swoop and learn more fascinating facts about owls. You’ll be amazed as he silently glides over the audience with his enormous wingspan.


Bubo is a free-flying Eurasian eagle-owl. The first 'job' he had with us was to deliver a wedding proposal and ring to the unsuspecting bride. If you need an Outdoor Raptor Program, "Masters of the Sky" will be a memorable experience for all.